Where communicators connect & grow
As a communicator it can be challenging to find the resources, support and time to grow your network and skills. IABC Great Plains offers you access to a network of professionals, learning opportunities and resources to help you become the trusted source of information for your organization.

Membership Benefits
professional development
Local and virtual events aimed at expanding your skills and your value to employers and clients
Connect locally, nationally and internationally to business communicators from all facets of business and every level of experience
bismarck mandan chamber edc membership
Great Plains IABC is a member of the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, which means our members belong to the chamber too
Online resources
Find online resources for your project and professional growth - articles, templates and podcasts all aimed at communication professionals

IABC is my lifeline to communication professionals across industries and across the world. I tell new members, ‘whatever you put into IABC you will get back tenfold.’ Volunteer and you will meet lifelong friends and mentors. I have forged closer connections with colleagues here at home through IABC, but also have friends I can call when I need advice, a new perspective, or knowledge outside of my own experience.

IABC is the most valuable professional organization I've ever been a part of. IABC keeps me on top of my communications game through professional development opportunities at the state, regional and international level. Through IABC, I've joined a phenomenal network of communications peers with whom I can share best practices. It was through that network that I landed my current professional role, and I'm so thankful! It's the best job I've ever had.
I joined the Great Plains chapter of IABC in 1992. I’ve been a member ever since, even during retirement. IABC, locally and internationally, provides support through professional development, networking, and educational resources. Being a member of IABC was a necessary resource for me in solving communications problems, being introduced to new communications trends and maintaining relationships with other professionals.